What does it mean

HTTPS: Security Standard for Websites

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol used to secure communication between a web server and a browser. Compared to the common HTTP protocol, HTTPS adds a layer of encryption that protects the transmitted data from eavesdropping and manipulation.

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How does HTTPS work?

HTTPS is based on the principle of asymmetric encryption, which uses two keys: a public and a private key. The public key is available to everyone and is used to encrypt data sent to the web server. The private key is kept secret and is used to decrypt data coming from the server.

Benefits of HTTPS:

  • Data integrity protection: HTTPS protects transmitted data from manipulation and unauthorized access.
  • Privacy protection: HTTPS prevents eavesdropping on the communication between the web server and the browser.
  • Increased trustworthiness: Using HTTPS shows website visitors that the site operator cares about their privacy and security.

How to obtain an SSL certificate?

To activate HTTPS on a website, an SSL certificate is required. This can be obtained from various certification authorities. The process of obtaining a certificate consists of the following steps:

  1. Choosing a certification authority: There are many certification authorities that offer different types of SSL certificates. It is important to choose an authority with a good reputation and select the type of certificate that meets your needs.
  2. Generating a certificate request: After choosing a certification authority, you need to generate a certificate request (CSR). This request contains information about the website and its operator.
  3. Verifying identity: The certification authority will verify the identity of the website operator. Depending on the type of certificate, this may involve a simple domain check or a more complex verification process.
  4. Issuing the certificate: After successful identity verification, the certification authority will issue the SSL certificate.

Transition from HTTP to HTTPS:

The transition from HTTP to HTTPS is a relatively simple process. However, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Obtaining an SSL certificate: As mentioned earlier, an SSL certificate is required to activate HTTPS.
  2. Configuring the web server: The web server needs to be configured to use the HTTPS protocol.
  3. Updating links: All links on the website (both internal and external) need to be updated to use the HTTPS protocol.
  4. Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS: It is advisable to set up a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS so that all visitors are automatically directed to the secure version of the site.

The importance of HTTPS:

Nowadays, HTTPS is the standard for websites. Most modern browsers already automatically display a warning when visiting a website that does not use HTTPS. Therefore, using HTTPS is important for protecting the data and privacy of website visitors, as well as for building the trustworthiness of the site operator.

In addition to the above aspects, it is important to mention also:

  • Impact of HTTPS on SEO: Google and other search engines prefer websites that use HTTPS. HTTPS can therefore slightly improve the website's position in search results.
  • Costs of HTTPS: The price of an SSL certificate can vary depending on the type of certificate and the certification authority. However, there are also free certificates available for non-commercial purposes.
  • Technical aspects of HTTPS: Implementing HTTPS can have a slight impact on the speed of loading the web

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