What does it mean
Digitization is the process of transitioning from analog formats to digital formats. This process allows the use of modern technologies for processing, storing, and transmitting information. Digitization often refers to processes such as the digitization of documents, images, music, and video, thereby increasing their availability and usability.
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Under digitalization in e-commerce, it is possible to include the entire process of online shopping, as well as the operation of an e-shop. A logical example is the electronic invoice. However, digitalization can also apply to steps such as communication with the courier, supplier, or between the internal departments of the e-shop, or even with the customer themselves. If we digitalize something, it means that we are converting non-digital records into digital form. However, the operating process remains the same and can be improved by automation. Digitalization also includes processes such as automation and the digitalization of processes in businesses and organizations, which increases efficiency and improves the quality of services provided to customers.
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