Articles by the author: Daniela Marušková
Why and How to Expand a B2C E-shop with a B2B Solution
More and more e-shops are combining retail sales with the wholesale segment because B2B customers bring higher order volumes, longer-term contracts... -
Why is it worth running search ads on brand keywords?
Many companies ask whether it makes sense to pay for advertising on their own brand (branded) keywords. After all, if customers are already ... -
ui42 and Dedoles: Why does the transition from custom-made to Shopify make sense?
After more than nine years of successful collaboration between ui42 and Dedoles, our paths are diverging. Dedoles, one of the historically fastest... -
Upterdam 2024 – The conference that showcased the strength of Slovak and Czech e-commerce
If you happened to miss that the largest e-commerce event in Slovakia – the conference Upterdam, took place last week in Senec, then you missed... -
How to Conquer Global Markets: Inspirations and Insights from Paris Retail Week
An interview with ui42 CEO Andrej Kajan, who attended the prestigious Paris Retail Week conference, reveals key innovations driving the world... -
10 + 1 Tips on How Not to Fail at the Peak of the 2024 Season
The main season in e-commerce is almost here. What are the most important points you should think about well in advance, if you want to... -
ui42 is a partner of the Upterdam conference
At ui42, we design user experience – UX as one of the first agencies in Slovakia. Over more than 15 years, we have conducted over 1,100 Usability... -
How much of the marketing budget to allocate to the brand?
A common question not only from our clients. But to get to the answer, let's summarize what a brand actually is and what are "those other campaigns... -
Elevate your online presence with our web design
This project is a direct proof of why it is important to test web even after their redesign is implemented, and it demonstrates how repeated... -
Elevating an E-commerce Brand through Unified Design and Marketing
A comprehensive marketing strategy for Najšport that confirmed the uniqueness of ui42 as a one-stop shop agency.